Privacy Policy CV Express

Last update 17.07.2020

CVexpress Eesti OÜ takes care of your personal data and does everything possible to protect it. This privacy policy is written to help you understand what your personal data is collected, stored, and used, and what happens to them when you use our website (website)

Who are we?

We are CVexpress Eesti OÜ, our office is located at Tallinn, ul. Tartu 68/1. Hereinafter, CVexpress Eesti OÜ will be referred to as “we” and “ours”. We are the controller of your personal data, which means that we determine what, for what purpose, and how your personal data will be processed.

If you have any questions, you can contact us by sending an email to You can also send a letter to our office at Tartu mnt 68/1 Tallinn Harjumaa 10144

What is the privacy policy covered by?

This privacy policy applies to our website, our application, and the services we provide.

Website Address:

How and what data do we collect?

The data that we collect is divided into two categories: automatically collected data and data that the user provides to us. Users, in turn, are divided into applicants and employers.

Automatically collected data: IP address, Firebase, geolocation, device type, and browser type. It also includes data such as cookies and data about your interaction with the site - session ID.

The session ID includes your interaction with the site, the time spent on the site, the name of the site from which you went to our site, the functions you use, the pages you see on our site, the way you use our site and the actions you take if there are any.

Data provided by the user-applicant:

User information: full name (last name, first name), year of birth, gender, children, photograph;

Education data: completed educational institutions, availability of licenses and certificates;

Information about work experience: previous jobs, position, salary in previous positions, work schedule, the sphere of activity, desired position;

Additional data: hobbies and personal qualities, membership in organizations, links to publications and letters of recommendation;

Contact information: address, phone number, and email.

Data provided by the user-employer:

Contact details: name, phone, and email.

Note. According to Estonian law, from which age children can independently manage their personal data is 13 years old.

Why and how do we process your data?

Reason for processing



Categories of data

Provision of services

In order to provide you with personalized service, we need your personal data.


User Information

Education data, job information, additional data, contact information; automatically-collected data

Communication between the site and the client

We use the data we collect to transmit information to you regarding our site and to provide the information that you requested.


contact information; automatically-collected data

Work of website

When you visit our site, some data is collected automatically. We need technical data to operate, maintain, and improve our website.


automatically-collected data

Analytics of website

We use the data that we collect for the purpose of testing, analyzing, researching existing products and services, as well as for the overall development of the product and services.

Legitimate interest

automatically-collected data


We use your data to notify you of the new functionality of the application, new announcements that may interest you as a user, as well as interaction with your data (for example, viewing a resume). We also use your data for marketing communications.


Contact data

Analytics of data

We will analyze your data in the context of your resume to increase productivity, as well as provide advice on improving the quality of your CV

Legitimate interest

User Information

Education data, job information, additional data, contact information.

Analytics of App work

We use the data that we collect for the purpose of testing, analyzing, researching existing products and services, as well as for the overall development of the product and services.

Legitimate interest

automatically-collected data

Do we share data with third parties?

We transfer your data on the following grounds:

Consent. We transfer your personal data to potential employers, authorized users, and employers.

Compliance with the law. We will disclose your personal data to third parties to the extent that it is necessary:

Transfer to third parties: We transfer your personal data to third parties on the basis of public offer for processing on our behalf, subject to technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data, for example, to process credit cards and payments; placement, management, and maintenance of our data; research and analytics. We may transfer your data to certain companies, consultants, and contractors hired to provide certain services on our behalf.

We will ask for your consent unless the transfer of data is part of a contract.

Do we use cookies?

We use cookies necessary for the functioning of the site. Using cookies, we receive automatically-collected data specified in clause 3 of this policy. If you want to disable cookies, then you can find instructions for managing your browser settings at these links:

How do we handle your data?

We provide standard physical, electronic, and procedural security measures to protect the personal data that we process and store. We encrypt all data and use secure protocols.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We store your personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfill the contract. Data will be stored on our server until you or the administrator (at your request) delete the account. Also, the data will be deleted if you do not use our site/application within 24 months. The process of deleting data from our servers can take up to 30 days.

Are we transferring your data outside the EEA?

The personal data that we process is stored on servers in EU. By default, data is stored in Estonia, but perhaps we will need to process your personal data in another country. If a transfer occurs, we will take the necessary data protection measures and ask for your consent, unless the transfer will be made as part of the contract.

How to manage your data?

You, as subjects of personal data, have the following rights:

To exercise your rights, write us an email at

If your request was not satisfied, you can file a complaint with the regulatory body - Data Protection Inspectorate of the Republic of Estonia at

How do we update privacy policy?

This policy has been compiled in accordance with the GDPR and Estonian law. Existing laws and requirements for the processing of personal data are subject to change. In this case, we will publish a new version of the Privacy Policy on our website. If significant changes are made that affect your privacy and confidentiality, we will notify you by email or display information on the website and ask for your consent.